Join Us!

Belltown United is a member-based organization. 

We ask all members to pay a $200 annual fee to join the organization — but welcome all Belltown residents to join us in improving the neighborhood through interest, engagement, and activation!

Support Belltown

Belltown United is a 501c4 established to advocate for a more vibrant neighborhood. 

We use all of our member donations to support marketing, beautification, and community initiatives — as well as for paid administrative work to support the organizational operations.

Help us out?

Belltown United provides a focused community voice, coordinated advocacy, public engagment, and a stronger identity for the neighborhood.

Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering to help us continue to clean, beautify, advocate, and improve our Belltown for everyone!

Advocate to Activate

As one of five neighborhoods that form Seattle's vibrant downtown corridor, Belltown is uniquely positioned to lead the recovery in downtown Seattle. 

The businesses, property owners and residents of Belltown welcome active investment in our community — and we are interested in hearing from you!

Contact Us!

We’d love to hear from you!

Copyright © 2024 Belltown United